All About Vedic Mathematics
Welcome to all of you in a Wonder World of Vedic mathematics. This Post is All About Vedic Maths and Based on the monumental work by His Holiness Jagadguru Sankaracharya Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthji maharaja of Govardhana matha, puri(1884–1960) (popularly known as Gurudev by his disciple) unfolds a new way of approach in mathematics world.
The discovery of this New Mental Vedic Mathematics method comes as a result of his extraordinary research, comprehension and visualization of fundamental mathematics principals.
Jagadguru had reconstructed the sixteen mathematical formulae from the Atharvaveda after assiduous study and practice for almost eight years in the near the Sringeri forests region ( now in Karnataka state, India) during the year from 1911 to 1918.
General note:
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First of all, I am going to give you the highlight of the topic which is included in this Detail Guide About Vedic Maths:
- History of Vedic mathematics.
- About Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji Maharaja
- List of Vedic Maths Tricks or Method?
- What are The Vedic Maths Tricks?
- Features of Vedic Maths.
- Benefits of Vedic Maths
- About our workshop.
- Frequently Asked Question.
- Further Activity in Vedic Maths
- Conclusion.
1. History of Vedic Mathematics:
Vedic is a Sanskrit word which meaning is knowledge and wisdom. It also represents era or period ( like Vedic period is 1700 to 1100 b.c, Iron Age ).
Mathematics is the Abstract science of number, quantity and space which also applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering (applied).
These two-term Vedic Maths represent knowledge of Mathematics which is primarily related to the Vedic period or in other words Vedic mathematics is the mathematics which used by the ancient Indian sages. Must Read: 5 Rumorous about Vedic Maths.
Who Discover the Vedic Mathematics?
The Term Vedic mathematics coined by His Holiness Jagadguru Sankaracharya Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthji maharaja of Govardhana matha, puri(1884–1960).
According to the Gurudev, Vedic Maths is the ancient system of computation which was rediscovered by him from Parishit(Bibliography) of Atharvaveda which is also called Sulbha sutras or Ganit sutra and primarily written in Sanskrit.
Gurudev always said Vedic maths is the science which is widely used and given by the by the ancient sages of India. Read More
2. About Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji Maharaja
The father of Ancient Wonder of Vedic mathematics His Holiness Jagadguru Sankaracharya Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthji maharaja. He was Better Known Among His disciples by the Beloved Name Jagadgur, or Gurudeva is a great and diving personality. He was an exceptional Writer and silver-tongued speaker. Gurudeva was Known for his vast and versatile learning, His spiritual and educational achievements. His all life is the example of the service of humanity. Read More
3. List of Vedic Mathematics Tricks or Method?
The Monumental work, Vedic Mathes or ” sixteen simple Mathematical formula from the Vedas had reconstructed by the Gurudeva the Parisita (Bibliography) of Atharvaveda after assiduous research and Tapas for about eight years in the forests surrounding Sringeri.
Apparently, these methods are not to be found in the present recensions of Atharvaveda; they were reconstructed by natural revelation from materials scattered here and there in Atharvaveda. Read More
4. What is The Vedic Mathematics Tricks?
Some of the Most Important Features of Vedic Maths Sutra is its simplicity and integration, and Because of this anybody can find the solution to the difficult problem mentally.
One Vedic maths sutra applies to many problems, In another word one sutra has many application and its entirely depend on the understanding of the user how could he use and judge which Vedic maths tricks are suitable for the particular problem?
Vedic mathematics have many solutions to the single question.
As we all know if we are doing the calculation, then multiplication is the main hurdle of the many problems.
In Vedic maths, there are many sutras which are emphasising to solve multiplication mentally in seconds. One of them is Urtdhwa tiryak Methode. See the example. Click Here
5. Features of Vedic Mathematics
Nowadays Vedic mathes Presence is growing worldwide in Education field, and it also attracts the general public attention due to his unique characteristics.
Many University and College are going to set up a regular course for those students who are interested in learning Vedic maths.
Here I am going to tell you ten most excellent features of Vedic maths which going to help you why you should study and encourage the people to do so?
Integrity: Learning becomes easy because of the integrity of the Vedic mathematics subject. Every sutra and upasutra is co-related and uniform. One rule may be applied in different operation.
One single sutra, i.e. NIkhilam Navatascaramam dasathah is equally useful for the general multiplication and Division and so on many other sutras has this type of integration. Read More about other Features of Vedic Maths
6. Benefits of Vedic mathematics
If we talk about the subject Mathematics then its biggest nightmare to many of the student. In my workshop on Vedic mathematics, I met with many of the 11th, and 12th class of student who struggles to find the price of grocery product for a certain amount.
It’s quite Common to me, and I am not talking about only government or rural area student even its seem more often in many elite private schools students who have this phobia.
I can undoubtedly say that Mathematics is the most unpopular subject among student, but if we talk about our workshop or Event, it tells you a different story and credit goes to the simple, exciting, fast and magical tricks of Vedic mathematics.
Vedic mathematics is exceptionally beneficial for both who likes or unlike the maths because it makes the learning of mathematics extremely easy and fast.
Here are the ten benefits of Vedic mathematics:
1. The most existing features of Vedic mathematics is its simplicity and integration of rule which is some time looks like magic to the student and its create interest in student to learn math. Read More
7. About our workshop.
We’ve been delivering training workshops and talks on Vedic Mathematics since 2014. We’ve held nearly 100’s of Event Each Year Across India, and they are invariably excellently attended, and receive top feedback.
They are delivered by our Experienced Trainer Prince Jha, who between them trained over 5000+ Students Across the Nation Through Workshops and Webinars. We thus speak from real experience, not theory. Read More Click Here
8. Frequently Asked Question.
In This Section, I am going to enlist some questions which Asked in my Workshop Frequently. Some time its related to the Vedic mathematics or some time ancient Vedic System or Education. This sorts of matter give you some more idea about the Ancient Vedic System. Read More
9. Further Activity in Vedic mathematics
Besides of the various features and speciality of Vedic Mathematics, this is not the active part of the Indian education system till now.
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Doesn’t include Vedic mathematics as a subject in a regular curriculum. Now a day’s Vedic mathematics is growing his presence among the students. Many educational organisations are now taking the initiative to educate his children through inviting the guest faculty on his campus.
The Many States of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and many other education boards, are also going to include the Vedic mathematics as a regular subject in school. It’s a good initiative; our organisation appreciates and welcome of them.
There is also good news from many universities who also design a regular six-month diploma course. It’s a notable achievement of that organisation which promoted the subject.
It’s growing presence also invited many scholars and mathematician to do the research in Vedic maths and enhance the capability of the subject to the larger extent.
10. Conclusion
Thus, Vedic Mathematics is the most significant and efficient mental mathematics system. As like another branch of science and mathematics, this is also a pure science which gives the ability to solve tedious and cumbersome arithmetic operations mentally and increase the accuracy of the result. Besides the many features of Vedic maths. If anybody wants to experience the aroma of this Ancient Mental Vedic Maths system, he should include it in his regular more